
MediaPortal 1.0.1

MediaPortal - это бесплатное программное обеспечение превращающее ваш компьютер в современный мультимедиа центр. Это замечательная альтернатива такому медиа-комбайну как Media Center для Windows XP Media Center Edition или Windows Vista. А в некоторых аспектах MediaPortal даже превосходит вышеупомянутую программу по удобности пользования и стабильности.

С помощью программы MediaPortal можно слушать музыку и радио, смотреть видеофайлы и DVD, смотреть, управлять и записывать эфирное телевидение (при наличии TV платы) и многое другое. MediaPortal поддерживает установку многочисленных плагинов и скинов, расширяющих его функциональность.

Возможности MediaPortal:
-Поддержка скинов и плагинов.
-Возможность настройки управления клавиатурой.
-Поддержка пультов ДУ (streamzap, MCE, redeye, winlirc, hauppauge, FireDTV).
-Мощная система для просмотра, настройки, записи TV. Работа по графику.
-Встроенные кодеки.
-Конечно-же все самые навороченные функции для просмотра и организации библиотек видео, аудио и изображений.
-Поддержка как эфирного так и интернет-радио.
-Погода. Последние прогнозы погоды для любого города мира.

После несложной установки программы MediaPortal, в разделе “Все программы” будут доступны две иконки - сама программа и “setup”, вторую нужно использовать для модификации настроек программы, добавления нового плагина или скина, выбора директорий для музыки и фильмов и т.д. При первом запуске MediaPortal эта настройка собственно и произойдет. Некоторые настройки MediaPortal также доступны и из окна самой программы.

- 0002086: [Skin Engine] After pausing video playback OSD is shown after 5 seconds (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0002089: [My TV / Scheduled] New recording ->Search screens are misaligned (chemelli) - closed.
- 0002088: [My Videos] Not possible to time advance to END when watching video (misterd) - closed.
- 0002071: [My TV / Recorded TV] MediaPortal freezes when going from LiveTV to Recorded TV (TV-Server-multiseat) (gibman) - closed.
- 0001936: [general] MP solution need a cleanup (chemelli) - closed.
- 0002057: [My Music] Last.fm plugin does not allow to switch the account user (rtv) - closed.
- 0002063: [My Music] No Vis was shown, if either Sonique or Winamp Vis is not present (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002064: [My Music] Implement CUE support (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002014: [Setup] Up / Down buttons should be remove from Channel tab in setup (MrHipp) - closed.
- 0001969: [general] Default skin has huge performance issue with 128MB GPUs (rtv) - closed.
- 0002080: [general] MediaPortal was started too early on resume from standby, causing WatchDog errors (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002067: [Skin Engine] Animations of default skin do not provide a smooth experience (rtv) - closed.
- 0002081: [Skin Engine] Scrolling texts are not smooth (rtv) - closed.
- 0001956: [Skin Engine] MediaPortal crashes when going to plugin and back to basic homescreen (misterd) - closed.
- 0002066: [Skin Engine] When Spincontrol in (Big)Icon view is selected than the list isn't reachable anymore (misterd) - closed.
- 0001994: [Skin Engine] folder.jpg is displaced broader then the actual button in (big)icon view (misterd) - closed.
- 0001993: [Skin Engine] when focusing the spincontrols by remote in (big)icon view then last item shows focused and unfocused gfx (misterd) - closed.
- 0001972: [Setup] Under USBUIRT "Learn MediaPortal Command" is available to click on and shouldn't be (-Manfred-) - closed.
- 0001998: [Skin Engine] Threading issue with texture cache (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0002032: [DVD Player] DVD playback stop crash due to MiniDisplay plugin (chemelli) - closed.
- 0002033: [My Videos] ShouldStack() / RemoveStackEndings() need a small rework (chemelli) - closed.
- 0002035: [general] MiniDisplay: kill iMON Manager under Vista leave systray icon in place (chemelli) - closed.
- 0002037: [My Music] Upgrade of BassVis (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0001917: [My Videos] Allow default audio language for video files (DMAN) - closed.
- 0002039: [My Videos] Default subtitle language is not always working (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0001934: [Skin Engine] music vis displayed during picture slideshow (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002041: [My Music] Music Tagreadershould handle WMP Ratings (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002043: [general] MP fails at various places when the internet connections needs a proxy with authentication (rtv) - closed.
- 0002011: [My Videos] xml files inside subfolders cause extremelly slow navigation speed (misterd) - closed.
- 0002045: [Configuration] PDVD sections need a cleanup (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001988: [Skin Engine] last.fm radio displays blackbox in place of current radio station (rtv) - closed.
- 0002046: [general] Skip GC.Collect() calls when MP switches tracks and an external player is active (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0002050: [general] Null reference error resulting from mantis 0002046 (Symphy) - closed.
- 0002051: [My Music] MusicShareWatcher and Music DB Reorg should only scan checked shares (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002053: [general] Debug info with '!' shows VMR9 when EVR renderer is used (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0002054: [DVD Player] DVD audio language selection doesn't show stream details (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0002055: [Skin Engine] Restore from minimized broken in Vista (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0002068: [Skin Engine] '!' reports wrong FPS for video (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0001964: [My Videos] resume date for movies are not always set when using database on network. (gibman) - closed.
- 0001967: [general] dynamic refreshrate could cause playback to stop. (gibman) - closed.
- 0001971: [Skin Engine] Radio Guide lacks consistency with latest TV Guide improvements (rtv) - closed.
- 0001976: [Setup] Filter settings of the default MPC-HC codecs should be handled in one place (flokel) - closed.
- 0001666: [Skin Engine] center of zoom animations is not in the center of the screen (Bavarian) - closed.
- 0001975: [Configuration] Default aspect ratios for TV and Video changed when cycling through ratios in MediaPortal (misterd) - closed.
- 0001946: [Configuration] Do not allow multiple instances of Configuration.exe (rtv) - closed.
- 0001979: [general] Vista's GPU recovery feature causes hang (misterd) - closed.
- 0001999: [DVD Player] DXVA on/off option is ignored if decoder is CyberLink PowerDVD (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001997: [My Videos] Image file mounting improvement (-Manfred-) - closed.
- 0002010: [general] SMS style keyboard doesn't work (misterd) - closed.
- 0002018: [My TV / Recorded TV] Seeking in ts files is sometimes a bit random (Ambass) - closed.
- 0002019: [My TV / Recorded TV] FRW/FFW not accurate on ts files. (Ambass) - closed.
- 0002021: [My TV / Recorded TV] Timeshift buffer start doesn't wait audio&video to start. (Ambass) - closed.
- 0002020: [My TV / Recorded TV] Jumping to end of timeshift during live Tv jumps a bit behind. (Ambass) - closed.
- 0001965: [My Music] Tagreader should handle ratings fund in APE tags (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0002016: [My Videos] Using external player causes "unable to play" message (-Manfred-) - closed.
- 0001981: [My Videos] In some cases MP doesn't use preferred codecs set in MP config for mkv's (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0001938: [general] Freeze on resume from standby (rtv) - closed.
- 0001990: [Configuration] Configuration doesn't start on top (misterd) - closed.
- 0001924: [My Music] Upgrading BASS (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0001849: [general] Remove unused code/resources files (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001953: [Configuration] Aspect ratio descriptions/list is not the same on all sections (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001961: [WebEPG] Removal of multiple items raises an exception (misterd) - closed.
- 0001884: [Configuration] Configuration should remember the removal of optical disk drives (flokel) - closed.
- 0001910: [general] MP does not show more than 20 shares (rtv) - closed.
- 0001896: [My Weather] No city selected in my weather, incorrect behaivour (Bavarian) - closed.
- 0001900: [My Videos] When using filmstrip, navigation blocked when returning from movie info (Bavarian) - closed.
- 0001920: [My Settings] Skin selection is clumsy (rtv) - closed.
- 0001921: [general] Input actions may be delayed (rtv) - closed.
- 0001138: [general] localization problem (Bavarian) - closed.
- 0001925: [My Pictures] Picture plugin might become unresponsive during DB additions (rtv) - closed.
- 0001928: [general] Handling of network shares is not optimal (rtv) - closed.
- 0001906: [general] Restart bug with restart.vb script on some vista computers (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001945: [My Pictures] Freeze when you delete the last picture running a slideshow (rtv) - closed.
- 0001882: [My Videos] Update included MPC codecs to latest version (flokel) - closed.
- 0001871: [My Videos] Black screen after stopping video_ts playback (flokel) - closed.
- 0001949: [Configuration] Allow useage of PowerDVD's DVD Navigator filter (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001950: [My Settings] Skin change is broken inside MySettings (rtv) - closed.
- 0001948: [general] Removal drive should be detected (misterd) - closed.
- 0001944: [general] User should be informed if a file cannot be played (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001954: [Configuration] Timeshifting on/off function should be hidden when TvPlugin is installed (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001939: [general] Make List of supported extensions for Daemon Tool configureable (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0001941: [My Music] Handle "AC/DC" correctly in Tagreader (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0001423: [general] MP should check if TVE is at the same SVN level to avoid odd behaviour (gemx) - closed.
- 0001902: [general] MiniDisplay: Some drivers are missing compared to ExternalDisplay (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001931: [general] Update the VirtualKeyboard for SMS style text insertion (misterd) - closed.
- 0001915: [general] Check if correct version of Managed DirectX dll are installed (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001850: [general] Update Managed DirectX dll (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001852: [general] Core have some leftover (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001885: [My Music] Switching to Fullscreen Music with no Visualisation set, should switch to Now Playing instead of showing a black screen (hwahrmann) - closed.
- 0001922: [My Videos] mkv's with languages inside container, shows only blank selections in GUI (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001889: [My Videos] AVI files with subtitles dont work with EVR (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001919: [My Settings] Allow My Video audio language to be adjusted in the GUI (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001918: [My Settings] Enable subtitles to be enabled / disabled from the gui. (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001897: [My Videos] Video views set in MP Configuration not used in GUI. (Bavarian) - closed.
- 0001808: [general] Volume bar with "Vista" preset and controlling "Wave" has balancing issues (chemelli) - closed.
- 0001847: [general] Extend autoplay to support Blu-Ray and HD DVD disks (Tourettes) - closed.
- 0001904: [My Videos] MKV embedded subtitles not using configuration language (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001888: [Configuration] Some mainboards do not handle waking from standby properly (Seidelin) - closed.
- 0001898: [WatchDog] When using MP Logs Collector, DX logs are not collected (flokel) - closed.
- 0001890: [My Videos] Emedded subtitles show with MKV files although subtitles are disabled (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001892: [My Videos] MKV videos with AAC audio may not play with sound using the internal player. (DMAN) - closed.
- 0001887: [WebEPG] WebEPG-Conf uses gentle.config from wrong folder (misterd) - closed.


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MGSMPO 12/04/09 Просмотров: 3568
klerk 20 декабря 2009, 18:34:56
и пусть и пусть

и пусть
и пусть все так шикарно и функционально, но
но все же, лучшим плеером считаю Quntessential Player