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BitZipper 5.1

BitZipper - программа для работы с архивами 20-ти различных форматов (ZIP, RAR, CAB, TAR и т.д.). Помимо стандартных для архиваторов функций, она может создавать самораспаковывающиеся архивы семи типов, сканировать архивы для обнаружения вирусов, конвертировать архивы из одного формата в другой.

Основные характеристики BitZipper:

* Программа поддерживает большое количество форматов (ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, CAB, GZ, JAR, LHA, LZH, RAR, TAR, TGZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, Z, ZIP и ZOO файлы).
* Уникальная особенность: возможность поиска файлов с определенным содержанием в пределах архива.
* Возможность экспорта списка файлов архива в различные форматы (ASCII, HTML, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel или XML.).
* Программа также имеет «стандартные» возможности ZIP утилит (сканирование на вирусы, создание программных инсталяций, тестирование архивов на ошибки, конвертация в другие форматы архивов, просмотр архивных коментариев, установка паролей на архивы и др.).

BitZipper is an advanced data compression tool for Windows that enables you to unzip 20 different compression and encoding formats with superior ease-of-use. BitZipper comes with built-in support for ACE, ARC, ARJ, BH, BZIP2, CAB, GZ, JAR, LHA, LZH, RAR, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, Z, ZIP and ZOO files. No third-party products are needed. This enables you to access almost every compressed file you will ever come across with this one tool. You may encrypt your data and protect it from prying eyes. BitZipper supports strong AES encryption which is an encryption standard endorsed by the NSA.
BitZipper comes with 4 interfaces, satisfying both new users and power users. It has a very friendly Wizard interface for new users, a Windows Explorer-style interface for experts, a batch (bulk) processing interface for power downloaders and an interface accessible directly from Windows Explorer.

Use Backup Sets (archive templates) to define which files and folders to back up, and activate your backup by the click of a button. Your backed up files can be accessed by BitZipper or any other tool capable of reading standard ZIP files. Working with compressed files should not be more difficult than working with your web browser or word processor. In BitZipper you will find handy features like multiple open archives, searching for files in archives and export of the archive content list to Word, Excel, text or HTML format - features you will not find in the average ZIP tool.

10 good reasons to get BitZipper today:

* Compress data better than standard ZIP files (NEW)
* Windows Vista compatible (NEW)
* Use Unicode filenames in archives (NEW)
* Unzip a multitude of compressed file formats
* Protect data with strong AES 256-bit encryption
* Browse archives in Windows Explorer style
* Extract and test multiple archives at once
* Get help from an easy-to-use Wizard interface

Changes in BitZipper 5.1:
New features

- BitZipper 5.1 introduces support for 64-bit versions of Windows XP and Vista. This includes integration with the Windows Explorer right-click menu and the ability to compress files from the 64-bit Windows system folders.
Minor changes and fixes
- The RAR-file decompression engine has been upgraded to improve support for RAR-files created with older versions of WinRAR which stored a wrong value in the last part of a multi-part RAR file.
- The folder content of the Open, New, Add and Extract windows was not automatically updated if new files were added to the displayed folder.


Скачать BitZipper 5.1 (8,92 МБ):

duykarev 05/02/09 Просмотров: 2222
almakarov 20 декабря 2009, 18:32:53

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