
Plecs Standalone 3.2.7

Plecs Standalone

Plecs Standalone - пакет программного обеспечения для моделирования простых и сложных электрических систем и для контроля их работы. Благодаря собственной обработке переключений, моделирование силовых электрических схем станет быстрым и надежным. Если вы моделируете простые силовые электронные преобразователи или сложные электрические приводы, PLECS является мощным инструментом, который всегда поможет быстро получить необходимые результаты. Если вы хотите быть независимыми от других платформ моделирования, данный пакет является решением "все-в-одном" для моделирования сложных электрических цепей и сложных элементов управления в единой среде.

Plecs Standalone

Key Features:

  • Fast and efficient semiconductor models
  • PLECS uses ideal component models where possible to simplify switching transitions and to allow for larger simulation time steps. At the circuit and system levels, this results in a fast and efficient simulation because only those details that affect the circuit response are modeled.
  • Thermal loss modeling
  • PLECS supports the modeling of thermal structures and the calculation of switching and conduction losses. Simulation speed is not adversely affected during loss calculations since ideal switching is maintained.
  • Powerful scope
  • With its revolutionary zooming and panning features, the new PLECS scope is a convenient tool for viewing your results. The scope has cursors for reading data values and measuring time differences, and can perform simple analyses such as obtaining the RMS value.
  • C-Script
  • The C-Script block allows custom functionality to be implemented directly in the C programming language. The code is compiled internally in PLECS, there is no need to install additional development tools.
  • Comprehensive component library
  • The PLECS library contains a wide collection of components for modeling electrical circuits and control systems. With the new library browser you can quickly find the components you need.
  • Analysis tools
  • PLECS comes with a steady-state analysis tool for switching power systems. Small signal transfer functions can be determined with AC sweep or impulse response analysis.
  • Code generation
  • The PLECS Real-Time Coder can generate stand-alone C code from a circuit created with the PLECS Blockset. The code generation integrates seamlessly with Real-Time Workshop.
Plecs Standalone

Operating System:

  • Windows 32-bit: Windows XP SP2 or newer
  • Windows 64-bit: Windows Vista 64-bit or newer

Plecs Standalone


Скачать программу Plecs Standalone 3.2.7 x86 (52,97 МБ):


Скачать программу Plecs Standalone 3.2.7 x64 (63,38 МБ):

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