JAlbum 9.0
Jalbum - программа для автоматического создания веб-галерей. Для этого достаточно мышкой перетащить в окно программы папку с картинками, и она сгенерирует галерею с уменьшенными копиями изображений (или Slide-Show вариант). Впрочем, возможен и ручной режим работы с полным контролем над создаваемым проектом, в том числе с использованием имеющихся фильтров изображений, настройкой стилей, использованием данных IPTC/EXIF и т.п.
Чтобы бесплатно воспользоваться хостингом производителя для публикации проектов, нужно зарегистрировать имя и почтовый адрес. В утилите представлено несколько шаблонов и скинов, а на сайте разработчика доступна целая коллекция.
What's New in This Release:
News and Updates
- Defaults to copying added files instead of linking. You can now move or delete your original images without breaking the ability to update existing album projects.
- New "hi-res" (2048x2048) image linking option. This enables your visitors to easily download printable versions of your images. (Skin developer can use the new variables "hiResPath", "hiResWidth" and "hiResHeight" that exists only if hi-res images are present)
- Faster startup for users having many recent album projects listed
- More robust startup
- Writes a "lifeboat.zip" to published albums containing all project settings (including captions), thereby simplifying recovery of lost album projects
- More robust publishing (failing to delete old remote files won't halt the upload process)
- Generates better looking code (extraneous empty lines removed)
- Doesn't display sign in window when starting for first time users. The sign in window is only displayed when the user opts to use any of Jalbum's services
- Local sharing of albums to root of web site using jAlbum's embedded web server allowed
- Scrolling the album project list using the mouse now steps in more natural increments
- Displays a donation reminder dialog when quitting (can be dismissed for the current version)
- Better drag and drop support with digiKam for Linux
- Better validation of entered image- and thumbnail bounds
- Updated bundled Turtle and Galleria skins
- Updated translations. Thank you dear translators!
- Various minor code improvements
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug making Jalbum ask for quota changes during long network operations
- Fixed drag and drop bug (selected wrong object after drop)
- Fixed bug where one was unable to drop onto a selected folder
- Renaming a project that outputs the album to the image directory didn't also adjust the output directory
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