
Komodo IDE 8.0.2 Build 78971

Komodo IDE 8

Программное обеспечение ActiveKomodo IDE – мультиплатформенная многоязыковая интегрированная среда разработки динамических веб-приложений. Позволяет разрабатывать, тестировать и отлаживать приложения в одном рабочем пространстве. Komodo IDE предлагает передовой редактор и отладчик для динамических языков и клиентские технологии Ajax с поддержкой динамических языков Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby и Tcl.

Komodo IDE 8.0

Особенности программы:

  • Удобный редактор, поддерживающий множество языков.
  • Отладчик.
  • Управление проектом.
  • Полностью настраиваемое рабочее пространство.
  • Подключаемые модули.
Komodo IDE 8.0.2 Build 78971

ОС: Windows XP или выше, включая Windows 8

Что нового в версии 8.0.2:

Bug Fixes
  • Code Intelligence: PHP: Allow completions for files that use the same base name. (Bug 93859)
  • Code Intelligence: PHP: Show completions for core PHP interfaces. (Bug 98831)
  • Code Intelligence: Python: Allow completions and calltips even when no Python interpreter is found/configured. (Bug 98174)
  • Debugger: Python: Report types of ints and bools correctly, not as "str". (Bug 98546)
  • Debugger: Tcl: Allow Tk programs to be launched with wish, not just tclsh. (Bug 98313)
  • Debugger: Python: Fix python2 remote debugging package. (Bug 98532)
  • Editor: Add a pref at editor/scrolling to control whether shift-ctrl-mouse-wheel changes the zoom level of the current view. (Bug 89701)
  • Editor: Color <%% and %%> in EJS and komodo snippets as escape sequences. (Bug 98464)
  • Editor: Handle comment-continuations for languages that don't do auto-indent, like ini, diff, Makefile, and batch. (Bug 98467)
  • Editor: Make sure clicking in the line-number margin of a wrapped line selects that line. (Bug 98494)
  • Editor: Minimap: Don't allow pasting by clicking on the middle-button on Linux. (Bug 97909)
  • Editor: Minimap: Disable drag/drop involving the minimap. (Bug 97159)
  • Editor: Minimap: Update minimap context menu when buffer is first shown. (Bug 98512)
  • Editor: Prevent landing on buffers from moving to seemingly random positions. (Bug 98716)
  • Editor: Recognize that '$' is part of a variable name for purposes of double-clicking and identifier highlighting. (Bug 98566)
  • Editor: Ruby 2.0 support: Color %i-strings as array of symbols for Ruby 2.0+. (Bug 97711)
  • Editor: Upgraded Tcl colorizer and code-completion on keywords to Tcl 8.6. (Bug 98034)
  • Editor: Reinstate word-wrap for all scintilla objects. (Bug 98471)
  • Keybindings: Mac: Remove Ctrl+Y accesskey in the find toolbar. (Bug 98709)
  • Keybindings: Vi: Ensure "O" command works when used on a word-wrapped line. (Bug 98811)
  • Keybindings: Vi: Make sure "W" always moves either to the next. (Bug 98813)
  • Linux: Icons: Ensure Ambiance skin is properly auto-detected. (Bug 98894)
  • Linux: Install: Better detection of the host architecture, to avoid false warnings. (Bug 98519)
  • Linux: Scrollbars: Removed UI drawing glitch when left or right panes were visible. (Bug 97084)
  • Mac: Retina: Find Results: Fix disappearing results on Retina displays. (Bug 98230)
  • Mac: Retina: Icons: Edge-cases where icons would show at twice their size have been resolved. (Bug 98607)
  • Mac: Retina: Icons: Fixed case where viewing Appearance preferences could switch to the Classic theme. (Bug 98877)
  • Mac: SDK: Ensure the Komodo extension tools work correctly on a Mac. (Bug 98441)
  • Places: Confirm that files/folders should be dragged/dropped onto a folder. (Bug 98484)
  • Places: Expose the "Show in places" context-menu item in the Keybindings pref panel. (Bug 98572)
  • Places: You can now double click a folder to expand/collapse it (if "double click to make folder root" pref is turned off).
  • Prefs: Add an option to use pixel-mapped squigglies for better performance. (Bug 98440)
  • Projects: Show a proper group icon for project groupings. (Bug 98808)
  • Remote Files: Enable select button for choosing the current folder location. (Bug 97991)
  • Run Commands: Ensure the focus goes back to the editor after running a command. (Bug 98414)
  • Toolbox: Make sure undo/redo works after inserting snippets. (Bug 92695)
  • Toolbox: Make first launch of a snippet does not get ignored. (Bug 98835)
  • Syntax Checking: Ensure the pylint and pyflakes files can find their config files. (Bug 98461)
  • Windows: Startup: Allow starting Komodo on Windows 2003 machines. (Bug 98551)


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Теги PHP
Bukkollaider 11/05/13 Просмотров: 1870