Данные и диски

Data Crow 3.9.13

Data Crow

Data Crow - программа для ведения базы данных домашней коллекции чего угодно, начиная от компакт дисков и mp3 - файлов и заканчивая коллекцией спичечных этикеток, книг, пивных бутылок и т.д. и т.п. (Data Crow имеет средства для создания новых форм хранения данных о любых коллекционных предметах), но в целом программа "заточена" на использование в качестве медиакаталога и медиаорганизатора.

Data Crow 3.9.13

Программа позволяет получать информацию о добавляемой вещи из самых известных он-лайн баз данных - Amazon.com, Imdb.com, Freedb.org и т.п., имеет систему слежения за отданными вещами, функцию массового изменения информации о записях, возможность присваивания хранящимся в базе данным рейтингов и категорий, удобный поиск, настраиваемый интерфейс и многое другое. Например, Data Crow может автоматически получать данные о MP3 файлах из ID3 тегов, а информацию об изображениях - из EXIF-метаданных.

ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7

Что нового в этой версии:

[Known issues]
  • The Barnes & Nobles service was broken beyond repair. Unfortunately their web service is not operational either and I have had to decide to either continue support lacking the web service or to discontinue this service.


  • Improved German translation (thanks Maase!)
  • Create Multiple for audio tracks now starts the numbering based on the highest track number currently in use
  • Small changes to the loan information; removed "days till overdue" and added "status" and "# days"
  • The Loan administration form will now open the loan information directly on a double click


  • Google.com book search, allows for searching both on keywords and ISBNs
  • Greatly improved loan administration overview; you can now search for loans and also choose to see only current and/or historic loans.


  • Descriptions and images as retrieved from Sourceforge.net have been improved
  • Web application does not show any items when one of the loan fields has been selected
  • [3515767] The file importers now check on the item ID (if it exists) to find the existing item
  • Amazon service will now retrieve all authors and publishers
  • Bol.com service for books was broken and now fixed
  • Discogs.com service needed to be updated to reflect site changes (no tracks retrieved)
  • The web client shows an item multiple times in case it has multiple references.
  • The web client shows null, null for some references instead of nothing in case there is no value set
  • The web client suppresses information in case an item does not hold a value for the selected field. If categories are selected in the web field settings any item not having a category will not be shown. Now, they will be included.
  • Longer wait time for the file synchronizer when there are no items found to synchronize (high CPU usage)
  • Loan administration window size is not remembered.
  • Loan administration overview is cleared when clicking on a column header
  • The loan administration overview now refreshes after returning an item
  • Date field cannot be cleared
  • Data Crow GUI will not close until the database has successfully been closed. This to prevent situations where Data Crow started again while the database still in use by the previous session.


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Bukkollaider 10/06/12 Просмотров: 1144